The Ethical Demise of Sovereign Grace Ministries (Part 2)
Friday, August 17, 2012 at 9:02AM
Brent Detwiler in C.J. Mahaney, Dave Harvey, Sovereign Grace Ministries

Proverbs 11:3 The integrity of the upright will guide them, but the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.  This verse perfectly describes what is happening in Sovereign Grace Ministries.  It is being destroyed by the crookedness repeatedly evidenced in the actions of C.J., Dave Harvey, and other SGM leaders.    

These men have flattered themselves thinking their iniquity would not be found out and hated by men and women of integrity.  Their mouths have been full of deceit and this has brought great trouble.  They are no longer wise or good.  They no longer fear God.  And they should no longer be followed.     

Psalms 36:1-3 Transgression speaks to the wicked deep in his heart; there is no fear of God before his eyes.  For he flatters himself in his own eyes that his iniquity cannot be found out and hated.  The words of his mouth are trouble and deceit; he has ceased to act wisely and do good. 

I said the following to all the SGM pastors in my cover letter to Part 1.  

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 6:39 PM
To: SGM Pastors
Subject: The Ethical Demise of SGM (Part 1) 

This is a serious and important post.  The ethical demise of SGM has been my main concern since 2004.  I made this point to C.J. in my first document.  

“Lastly and most importantly, I write because of my deep love for you and for Sovereign Grace Ministries.  My greatest concern is for the increasing presence of deceit and hypocrisy rooted in self-preservation and love of reputation.  I’d be overjoyed to see you acknowledge these things to the movement, whether or not you ask my forgiveness for anything specific.  Comparatively speaking, the latter is unimportant.  Ultimately, this isn’t about us.  It is about something much bigger.” (RRF&D, March 17, 2010) 

The “much bigger” is deceit and hypocrisy.  They are the main reasons you should leave SGM but if you stay they are the main things in need of reform.  This post illustrates in a factual manner the deceit of C.J., Dave and the SGM Boards.  There will be a Part 2.     

These are all charges I planned to bring up to an objective group of evaluators in a just setting.  The interim Board made sure that did not happen.  None of these charges have been addressed in a hearing and no one has ever acknowledged any kind or occasion of deceit to me, you or SGM. 

A large number of churches are planning to leave SGM in the coming months.  They must not leave quietly.  They must speak out against the ethical violations that abound in SGM.  Churches may leave over polity differences but they should leave over the heartbreaking corruption that exists.  When they leave, they must be faithful to call SGM to account lest they condone deceit and hypocrisy by their silence.  They must reject the pressure from SGM to “leave well” which translated means to “leave quietly.” 

Here now are Lies 26-50. 

25. C.J. and Dave promising Larry Tomczak (and others) they will pursue reconciliation after the Ambassadors of Reconciliation report came out this past April.  

From: Larry Tomczak
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 12:19 AM
To: Brent Detwiler

Hi.  How about including this blatant one [lie]?  Even though I have taped evidence of Dave’s participation in the blackmail, he calls after 13 years of silence to finally ask forgiveness for what he dubs “coercive pressure” and will not admit “blackmail” even after repeated appeals to admit it.  Weeks later, I take initiative and call Dave to forgive even though it [his confession] falls far short of what he did.  He then promises me that once the AoR report comes out he will take action to resolve and see to it that all of us will meet to see reconciliation.  How long has it been [4 months] and I’ve never heard a “peep” from Dave although I’ve heard that over the decade he has experienced serious issues with his children! Was he removed? Hypocrisy?!  Double standard?!  Fact!!!  

24. C.J. having Larry Tomczak come to the 2011 Pastors’ Conference as his special guest.     

Reference:  Harvey Tells Tomczak to Stay Home 

23. C.J. pretending to be unaware of the ways he sinned against me and claiming to  want no separation of heart between us.   

Reference:  Response Regarding Friendship and Doctrine (pp. 1-3, 88-92, 116)

22. C.J. claiming not to know of doctrinal differences between us after saying he knew we could not work together because of doctrinal and practical differences. 

CJ:  “I also want to make every effort to preserve our friendship.  Even though I know we hold disagreements over doctrine and practice that now separate us from serving together, I don’t want there to be any separation of heart between us.”

Brent:  “Would you please tell me what you have in mind when you say ‘I know we hold disagreements over doctrine and practice that now separate us from serving together.’  I am not aware what those disagreements are but would really appreciate knowing.  Would you please inform me and be as specific as possible?”

CJ:  “Good question!  Well, perhaps we don’t have any differences in doctrine or practice!  I’d love to talk with you to discover if there are any differences but primarily I don’t want our hearts to be separated.”

Brent: “Of course, we both know we have doctrinal disagreements.  We’ve talked about them over the [past 26] years.  I was unaware, however, that these disagreements ‘now separate us from serving together.’  That’s why I’d really appreciate if you answered my question.” 

 Reference:  Response Regarding Friendship and Doctrine, pp. 116-119.

21. C.J. discrediting my documents soon after extolling my documents. 

“Brent, let me conclude by thanking you for sending me these documents.  I am deriving much benefit from reading them and reviewing them with others.  As I read them by God’s grace I am perceiving more of my sin, more clearly…. So I am grateful for your care expressed in and through these documents and the opportunity to attempt to address these issues again and hopefully do so more humbly and effectively.  There are a number of ways I have been dull to perceive my sin due to the pride in my heart…. So thanks for sending these documents and thanks for your patience with me.  I look forward to meeting with you when you are convinced I am sufficiently trustworthy to interact with in person.” (Oct 26, 2011) 

“Thanks for your gracious response.  I’m not finding the documents to be of some benefit, I’m finding them to be of significant benefit.” (Nov 3, 2011)  

“Thanks for your kindness, understanding and patience with me concerning my written document.  I am working on it and benefitting from this as I have benefitted from the documents you have sent to me.” (Dec 7, 2011) 

“Let me begin with what seems to me to be the only appropriate place to begin, by thanking you for your friendship and your desire to serve me by providing me with these two documents that express your perspective, concerns, correction and care for me.  I am deeply grateful for your friendship over the years and this particular expression of your friendship has helped me to perceive my sin more clearly, experience conviction of sin more deeply and comprehend the effects of my sin more specifically.”  (Dec 16, 2010)

“And though there are a few different points where I don’t agree with your perspective at present, there are far more ways I agree with you and realize I have sinned.” (Dec 16, 2010)

“I was reluctant to send this but decided to do so.  I am not trying to impress you or convince you about what I am perceiving in my heart.  But since I began to reengage with your documents a couple of days ago and with the help of others I have already perceived a couple of areas of sin I didn’t clearly perceive previously.  It’s discouraging how slow and dull and blind I can be.  My pride/self-righteousness are no doubt the root cause.  Pathetic really.” (Jun 25, 2011)

References:  C.J.’s State of His Heart Message – Reflection on Personal Sins

20. C.J. promising me on three different occasions that he would provide a thorough response to my three major documents.

References:  C.J.’s Foxhole Conversion; Concluding Remarks (pp. 88-89)

19. C.J. promising to address 15 critical areas of concern and sin.

References:  C.J.’s Foxhole Conversion; The Confessions of Saint C.J. (Part 2)

18. C.J. committing to make a confession to the SGM pastors and public.

References:  A Few Bible Thoughts about Online Confessions; The Transcript of C.J. Mahaney’s Remarks at 2011 Sovereign Grace Ministries’ Pastors Conference; C.J.’s State of His Heart Message – Reflection on Personal Sins

17. C.J. promising to convince me that he would take my charges seriously and confess his sin as dely necessary. 

References:  C.J.’s Foxhole Conversion; Whitewashed Tombs

16. C.J., Dave, Jeff, Joshua and the interim Board promising an independent review of all my charges.

References:  Promises Were Meant to be Broken; The Need for Crisis Intervention by the Covenant Life Pastors

15. The old Board and interim Board promising all my charges against C.J. and SGM would be heard.

14 Mickey Connolly blatantly lying in a recent letter to CrossWay Community Church that all my charges were “thoroughly examined.”

1. Was C.J. Mahaney’s participation in fellowship in 2003-2004, including the giving and receiving of correction, in keeping with the teaching of Scripture?
2. Did C.J. Mahaney wrongly influence the process of Brent Detwiler’s dismissal from his church in Mooresville, NC?
3. Was Larry Tomczak’s departure from Sovereign Grace Ministries handled properly? 

The Board of Directors of Sovereign Grace Ministries is requesting that you… participate in a review procedure.  A subcommittee of 3 members of the Sovereign Grace Ministries family consisting of one Board Member and 2 Senior Pastors would like to listen to information (and review if written) that you may have concerning this issue: “Did CJ Mahaney wrongly influence the process of Brent Detwiler’s dismissal from his church in Mooresville, NC?”  Given this is the issue this subcommittee is addressing, you will be asked for information that pertains to this issue only.  And we ask that you likewise direct the information that you share--to this issue only.” (Bryce Thomas, Nov 18, 2011)

13. The old Board, interim Board and Ambassadors of Reconciliation promising a just and fair process. 

1. I was not allowed to face C.J. and make my case.
2. I was given no time for oral testimony before two of the three panels.
3. I was given very little time to present my charges before the third panel.
4. I was forbidden from knowing who the witnesses were against me.
5. I was not told what testimony they provided.
6. I was forbidden from calling witnesses in my support.
7. I was forbidden any kind of cross examination of C.J.
8. I was forbidden any kind of cross examination of witness against me; many of which were false witnesses.
9. The panel before whom I appeared believed these false witnesses. 

1. My allegations were not heard, tried or tested in a fair hearing.
2. The vast majority of my allegations were ignored and covered up.
3. I was brutally slandered in the panel report created by Warren Boettcher, Ron Boomsma and Mark Prater.  This was in direct opposition to their assignment and the rules laid out by Bryce Thomas.
4. Nothing I’ve said or written has been taken seriously by the SGM Board.
5. The three panel approach dishonored God and promoted injustice. 
6. C.J. was treated with extraordinary favoritism.
7. The panelists showed extraordinary bias.
8. The three panel reports did not deal with the evidence or deal with it justly. 

References:  Panel Report on Brent Detwiler’s Dismissal from Grace Community Church; Try This Twelve Step Program on for Size!; An Appeal for Ted Kober to Expose Dave Harvey; My Appeal to the SGM Pastors for a Church Court in Order to Avoid a Civil Court

12. Dave Harvey and the interim Board claiming to care a lot about taking my allegations seriously, promising not to ignore my accusations, and making sure there was an impartial examination of my documents.

Reference:  Whitewashed Tombs

11. Dave Harvey saying Ambassadors or Reconciliation approved the Three Panel Review.

References:  An Appeal for Ted Kober to Expose Dave Harvey; Whitewashed Tombs

10. Dave Harvey saying Bryce Thomas established the three narrow questions for the Three Panel Review.

References:  SGM Panels Are of Little Worth in Determining C.J.’s Fitness for Ministry; Trust – The One Thing that Changes Everything (pp. 3-5); An Appeal for Ted Kober to Expose Dave Harvey 

9. The Interim Board creating a question about C.J. as a pretense for Mark Prater, Warren Boettcher, and Ron Boomsma to make a case against me aided and abetted by Bryce Thomas.  

A subcommittee of 3 members of the Sovereign Grace Ministries family consisting of one Board Member and 2 Senior Pastors would like to listen to information (and review if written) that you may have concerning this issue: “Did CJ Mahaney wrongly influence the process of Brent Detwiler’s dismissal from his church in Mooresville, NC?”  Given this is the issue this subcommittee is addressing, you will be asked for information that pertains to this issue only.  And we ask that you likewise direct the information that you share--to this issue only.” 

References:  Panel Report on Brent Detwiler’s Dismissal from Grace Community Church; Whitewashed Tombs

8. John Loftness telling the public that C.J. has been rigorously examined. 

Reference:  C.J. Still Not Qualified to Lead Sovereign Grace Ministries on the One Year Anniversary of Sending Out “The Documents”

7. C.J., Dave, Jeff, Joshua, and Pat counseling a covering up of my betrayal and the conspiracy behind it to the Care Groups leaders of Grace Community Church (Mooresville, NC).

Reference:  A Final Appeal (pp. 133-134); The Untold Story (pp. 29-31).

6. Mickey Connolly misleading CrossWay Community Church (Charlotte, NC) when he excommunicated me by deceitfully using Holy Scripture and commentaries.

References:  Mickey Connolly’s Deceitful Use of Scripture and Commentaries; Ten Common Cult-Like Characteristics Evident in Mickey Connolly’s Leadership

5. C.J. claiming that no one he knows in all of SGM (including himself) is guilty of lying, spin, manipulation, lording, cover-up or partiality. 

Reference:  A Final Appeal (pp. 123-126)

4. The new Board saying there was unanimous agreement among them on C.J. returning as the President of SGM.

Reference:  A Divided Board Makes C.J. Mahaney Long Term President

3. C.J.’s emphatic assertion to all the pastors that there will be no damage control in SGM.

References:  A Final Appeal (pp. 163-165); Concluding Remarks (pp. 107-112)

2. John Loftness and the new Board telling the public that C.J. has exceptional character and is a minister of fundamental integrity. 

1. C.J.’s emphatic assertion that he has always been above reproach and qualified for Christian ministry.

Reference:  C.J. Mahaney Convinced He Is above Reproach and Fit to be President of Sovereign Grace Ministries!  


The following statement may sound dramatic but that is not my intent.  I present it as a simple matter of fact.  C.J. and Dave are proven liars.  This has been repeatedly shown.  I derive no pleasure in saying or proving so.  Christian ministry is a high calling and those in it must have the highest degree of integrity.  Tragically, the guile of these men and their followers has brought great reproach upon Sovereign Grace Ministries.    

The past 13 months have been characterized by cunning and duplicity.  The lies referenced in this post (and there are many more) were told in order to deceive and mislead people.  No one should remain in Sovereign Grace Ministries because nothing it’s leaders promise, pledge or say can be trusted.  They will break their word whenever it serves their purpose.  They will lie whenever necessary to cover their tracks.  Therefore, no one should be following or endorsing their leadership. 

The commendation of C.J. by the new Board of Directors as clearly fit for ministry flies in the face of reality.  Go back and briefly review the 50 headlines for each lie.  There is no doubt the ethical demise of SGM has been great.  Denying it only increases it because the suppression of truth always produces depraved minds and darkened hearts.  For the past decade, the Holy Spirit has been patiently convicting C.J. of his pride, duplicity, and hypocrisy but he has steadfastly hardened his heart against God’s kindness in leading him to repentance. 

Over the past 13 months, the Sovereign Lord has been turning Sovereign Grace over to their lies and deceit.  This is an act of judgment.  The Holy One has been mocked long enough.  He is taking action to undo the unrighteousness of men.  It is time for everyone in Sovereign Grace Ministries to “shake the dust off their feet” (Matt 10:14) and leave what was the dearest place on earth.


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